Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week 9

This map seemed pretty easy to make and I really didn't run into any problems. It was neat playing with the different overlays and I didn't know there were different kinds of buffers either.

Quiz Questions:
Q1. I used the symmetrical difference overlay and the new layer included all the buffer areas except for those that overlaped. So the areas that we ended up with in the Union overlay were the areas not present in the symmetrical differences overlay
Q2. I used the erase overlay so that it erases the conservation areas from the possible camping areas.
Q3. There were 79 features. The largest one had an area of 7765034 m^2 and the smallest had an area of 748.11 m^2.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Week 10

This was fairly straight forward. I really didn't have any problems with it. I learned that there is tons that can be done on the table to help analyze maps which is pretty cool and can be very useful!!